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Preacher Spindrift - Foreword Indies Book Award Finalists series


TV Presenter JULIETTE FOSTER: "Pearson is the possessor of an extraordinary imagination that brilliantly assaults every variant of the sci-fi genre."


GODS' Warrior (book #3)

Foreword Indies Book Awards FINALIST - Fantasy


The ancient and peaceful city of Lijiang and the iconic Tiger Leaping Gorge, China, 1918. These will become the stage, at a time when the whole world is riven by what seems to be endless war, for a final titanic struggle that could mean the preservation or the end of all humanity.

The enigmatic Preacher Spindrift’s GODS having deserted him, he is now the last of his kind remaining on Earth.


GODS' Fool (book #2)

Foreword Indies Book Awards FINALIST - Fantasy


The first great allied tank battle takes place at Cambrai in the Pas de Calais. At first it proves a rousing success but after a hard fought two weeks German forces repulse the British on every front.

Reserves called up in support of the retreat include five hundred American engineers, including captain Colin Cahoon, a deeply religious Texan. Cahoon is injured during an enemy shell bombardment and wakes up in a hospital bed to find he is being treated by the enigmatic Dr Spindrift.

Cahoon finds himself embroiled in a titanic struggle that will stretch the Texan’s religious beliefs, his sanity and his courage to breaking point. During the final year of The War To End All Wars, the future of all mankind will be decided.


GODS' Enemy (book #1)

ForewordIndies Book Awards FINALIST - Fantasy


Heaven's at war and Earth's on the frontline

Preacher Spindrift Series – A fallen angel, a beautiful spirit woman and a brave adept man must save mankind from the Sha-aneer.

Texas 1883: A man found face down in a fire ants' mound has been raped and brutally murdered. His killing sparks a nightmare for Sheriff Caleb Sawyer and the townspeople of Mule's Ass - named after the last thing the founder looked at before setting up camp. Aided by the enigmatic Preacher Spindrift, Sawyer must solve the murder to defeat the hideous Sha-aneer - an ancient creature that devours the flesh and souls of mankind - or the light of human civilisation will be extinguished forever.

Orbiting beyond Mars, the huge and alien General Organism Development System (GODS) has steered the evolution of life on Earth for many millions of years... but something else got there first and now wants the planet back.


About the Author

Derek E Pearson is a Foreword Indies BOOK AWARDS FINALIST .

GODS' Warrior (Fantasy)

GODS' Fool (Fantasy)
GODS' Enemy (Fantasy)
Star Weaver (Science Fiction)


Four of Derek E Pearson’s novels are finalists in the international Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards, including all three volumes in his science fiction/fantasy Preacher Spindrift series. Apart from a dozen novels in that genre he’s written a historical/romance fiction, as a Norwich School of Art graduate he’s illustrated children’s stories including one on wildlife conservation, and his second young adult fiction is a 2020 new release.

He has also worked in publishing and journalism, specialising in the dental industry with his online magazine Dental Review.



Science Fiction/ Fantasy


Preacher Spindrift series - by Derek E Pearson

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£6.49Sale Price
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