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The sheep of yesterday are the wolves of today


Fresh out of university, Kurt is fearful enough about tackling ‘adult matters’ such as taxes, rent and estate agents, let alone the anxiety of holding conversations.

So when he wakes to a world where he has developed telekinesis while others around the globe have incredible and life-threatening abilities, he is definitely unprepared.

Kurt and his friends face a drastically changed world, in which power is literal and only those who possess that rule.

Even worse, he still has to converse.

The Catalyst follows Kurt, George and Jo as they travel through this new world in which society has collapsed and authority has crumbled. A world in which M, an evolutionary researcher, understands what is happening and rescues the three.

The trio, under M’s protection, meet new friends, witness incredible powers, learn to harness their own abilities (or lack thereof) and prepare to take part in M’s plan to regain some level of order in this drastically new world.

Needless to say, Kurt finds estate agents are the least of his problems.


About the author

Bradley Walker studied Acting in Liverpool before moving to London so he could continue his education at university.

The vibrant capital of England introduced him to friends from a plethora of wonderful cultures and backgrounds; learning about the world via their tales heightened his creative instincts and filled him with an insatiable thirst to create stories, rather than act in them.

He received incredibly positive feedback when scripts he had written - ranging from farce to drama - were performed, which gave him the confidence to begin his debut novel: The Catalyst.


Format: Paperback



Science Fiction | Adventure

Science Fiction | Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalytic

Fantasy | Urban Life


isbn: 9781912031979 paperback | 9781912031962 eBook


The Catalyst - by Bradley Walker

SKU: BWX-TCXXX-9781912031979
£10.99 Regular Price
£7.69Sale Price
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